40 Days for Life campaign urges prayer to end abortion

40 Days for Life campaign urges prayer to end abortion

With a goal of turning hearts and minds “from a culture of death to a culture of life,” the pro-life campaign 40 Days for Life (March 1–April 9) is impacting cities across the nation, including in Alabama, as people focus on prayer, fasting, sharing the hope of the gospel and reaching the community to end abortion.

The global campaign, which started in Texas in 2004, has seen 725,000 volunteers give of their time to host and participate in 4,535 local campaigns. Through campaign efforts 40 Days for Life reports 12,719 lives have been saved, 143 abortion workers have quit their jobs and 83 abortion centers have closed.

Power of prayer

Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, said, “40 Days for Life is a testimony to the power of prayer and what can happen when we’re consumed by a magnificent obsession, namely that life is sacred and every baby at every stage of development deserves to be protected under law.”

In total 675 cities in 40 countries are involved in the campaign, including four Alabama cities where vigils are currently taking place. According to Guttmacher Institute, about 8,020 abortions occurred in Alabama in 2014, representing 0.9 percent of all abortions in the United States.

State campaigns

Alabama cities involved in campaigns include:

• Huntsville — held outside Alabama Women’s Center at 4831 Sparkman Avenue.

• Birmingham — held outside Planned Parenthood at 1211 27th Place South. Contact Ed Carrick at 205-305-0950 or birmingham40dfl@att.net.

• Montgomery — held outside Reproductive Health Services at 811 South Perry Street. Contact Michelle Rowe at 334-233-4682 or 40dflmontgomery@gmail.com.

• Mobile — held outside Planned Parenthood at 717 Downtowner Loop West. Contact Mae Rehm at 251-554-2032 or maemouse@aol.com.

For more information about the global or local campaigns, visit 40daysforlife.com. (TAB)