God’s hand at work

God’s hand at work

By Rod Marshall
President and CEO, Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries

In a way, it felt like the world stood still — but our Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries world did not.

In spite of the economic uncertainty, the civil unrest, the heated elections and the global pandemic, we have not seen any significant decline in the number of children we are able to serve.

Even when we all sheltered at home, the needs of children did not take any kind of break. Our foster homes have stayed full, our campuses have stayed busy, our Family Care Homes have remained filled to capacity and our counselors have used telehealth services to continue serving many families.

Leading kids to Christ

We have been in awe at seeing God’s hand at work this year in lives served through your Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes. Many of those we are serving in our Campus Care homes are teenagers, and from north to south across our state, we have been able to share with them the love of Christ. We also have been able to see many of these kids come to understand that they are greatly loved and valued by their Creator God. Many of these teens have realized their personal need for their heavenly Father who will never fail them in any way. As a result, they have confessed their sin and given their lives to Christ.

One of these youth was baptized and shared this testimony with the church on that day:

Growing up as a child I spent little time around church. As time went on, I convinced myself that I should not go because I would be uncomfortable. Although I did not have a relationship with God, I kind of knew something was missing.

I would hear people talk and could not relate. I was once told since I did not know what my religion was or because I never trusted God, no one would trust me.

So, I acted as if I knew God and trusted Him. But in reality, I was just scared and confused.

In my life I have been through a lot of tough times. I have experienced rejection with people in school, friends and even some family. I was always advised to pray and ask God for help. I knew deep down I should but [I] allowed my hard times to steer me farther away from Him, attempting to control my own life, which I now understand was never meant for me to do.

In the past few weeks, my eyes were opened, and I finally realized the missing puzzle piece in my life. It was simply confessing that I am a sinner and not only asking Jesus to come in my heart but trusting Him with my whole life. All the negative things I was feeling are now gone and replaced with a joy I cannot explain. I am so excited to get baptized and move forward with my next steps.

Thank you for your part in this young person’s life, not only in the day to day, but now for eternity. Through praying, giving and serving, eternal differences are made in the lives of children in need every day. Your Baptist Children’s Homes is deeply indebted to you for your prayers and support. God bless you, and thank you for never forgetting to take care of the children.