Faith and Family: Dealing with loneliness — 8 tips for understanding, overcoming loneliness

Faith and Family: Dealing with loneliness — 8 tips for understanding, overcoming loneliness

Loneliness is a normal human emotion we all have experienced in life. Realizing that loneliness is an emotion — a feeling — and that feelings can be changed is a starting point for how to deal with loneliness. Here are some practical ways to understand and overcome loneliness:

1. Seek to understand the root of your emotions. Feeling lonely means something is missing from your life. When you begin to realize what you are lacking in your life you can get to work on a solution to address this feeling. 

2. Change your thoughts. Observe any negative self-talk and look for faulty assumptions in your thinking about your situation. Decide to begin positive self-talk about your situation in life. 

3. Improve your communication skills. Most relationships benefit from better communication. Learn to say what you are feeling but also learn to listen to others. Be assertive and call family and friends to share how you are feeling.

4. Be open to meeting new people and engaging in new experiences. Join a gym, take a class, join a support group or begin a new hobby.

5. Help others by volunteering at a local hospital, soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Getting the focus off ourselves and helping others can help change lonely feelings. Volunteer to serve through your local church in a ministry to others.  

6. Get up and get out. Go to a local coffee shop to read and use a computer there instead of doing those things alone. Go to the gym instead of exercising alone.

7. Nourish friendships through time, kindness and attention. As you give attention to others they will likely give you attention in return.  

8. Seek help from a pastor or medical/mental health professional when feelings of loneliness do not change.

Source: Renay Carroll 
Pathways Professional Counseling

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