New Taiwan gay ‘marriage’ law  passes despite voter rejection

New Taiwan gay ‘marriage’ law  passes despite voter rejection

A Christian coalition in Taiwan is lamenting the legalization of gay “marriage” in the country May 16, months after a majority of voters rejected such unions in a nationwide referendum.

Taiwan is the first Asian nation to legalize such unions. Parliament’s vote counters a November 2018 referendum in which 67% of voters rejected gay “marriage.”

Parliament was bound to change the law after the nation’s Constitutional Court ruled in 2017 that Taiwan’s civil code barring same sex unions was unconstitutional and gave lawmakers two years to replace the code. But the November 2018 referendum against gay “marriage” was expected to influence lawmakers to approve the weakest law acceptable to the court.

Taiwan joins 27 other nations where gay “marriage” is legal, according to Pew Research. (BP)