Number of clergywomen has grown in US

Number of clergywomen has grown in US

NASHVILLE — A new study reports that in most mainline denominations, the percentage of clergywomen has doubled or tripled in the past 25 years, with some denominations reaching numerical equity between men and women.

Professor, author and academic entrepreneur Eileen Campbell-Reed compiled the report, “State of Clergywomen in the U.S.: A Statistical Update,” in an effort to track how women are faring in ministry in American churches.

The report highlights dramatic growth in some areas. Women represent 32 percent of clergy and 27 percent of pastors leading mainline churches, a sharp increase from 15.5 percent of clergy in 1994 when the data was last compiled across denominations.

The analysis found an increase in the number of women of color going to seminary while the enrollment of white-identifying women is dropping, Campbell-Reed said. However, women are not well represented among seminary faculty and leadership. In 2017 women made up fewer than 25 percent of seminary faculty and deans, and only 11 percent of presidents.

Campbell-Reed used data, analysis and questions to complete her report. (RNS)